Month: November 2023

Spiritual Literacy Certificate

I want to share this year long Spirituality and Practice program with you that I just signed up for (starts in Jan 2024) It called to me as a way to continue a focus on my own understanding of spirituality as I companion others.

If you are interested in taking the class too, please use this exact link and let me know you are interested! (They do give current students a stipend for inviting interested colleagues–full disclaimer! But I realized that I was telling lots of folx about it before I knew about their promotion program:)

I realized that one of the first books I purchased on spirituality was the book this program is based on: my 1996 dog-eared edition of Spirituality Literacy by Frederic and Mary Ann Brusatt. Do you have a copy of it on your shelf??

From Spirituality and Practice:
The Spiritual Literacy Certificates Program offers you carefully guided journeys into deep studies of what it means to be a vibrant spiritual being in service to a world brimming over with wisdom, life lessons, and deep connections in each and every moment. You will study and practice 37 universal qualities of heart and mind that have been uplifted by people of all paths, including those who are religious, spiritual, spiritual but not religious, agnostic, and atheist. The second cohort begins January 27, 2024. 

NOTE from April 2024: I’m loving this program and the small group of seekers I’m honored to meet with weekly to discern all that we are learning. This program is offered annually, so feel free to reach out to me with questions.

Ignore if this is not of interest to you…but feel free to ask me to share tidbits throughout the year if you are interested!