Your Spiritual Direction
What has your experience been like in spiritual direction…either with me or other spiritual companions? If you feel drawn to writing about your experience in an essay or poetry, please contact me to get the guidelines if you would like your experience to be considered in my next book proposal. The book will feature the experiences of spiritual directees (not directors) to provide background for liberal or unchurched folx to explore the concept to see if it is right for them.
Please contact me if you would like the full guidelines. The proposal and a few essays will be sent in March, but if accepted, many more will be needed. For a similar companion book, check out Everyday Spiritual Practices: Simple Pathways to Enrich Your Life edited by Scott Alexander or Faithful Practices: Everyday Ways to Feed Your Spirit edited by Erik Walker Wikstrom. Both of these books are on spiritual practices rather than spiritual direction, but they will give you a sense of how a personal essay might provide guidance and insights for seekers.