Month: September 2021

Beyond Welcome: Building Communities of Love

I’m excited about a new book, the first I have edited for Skinner House Books. It’s called Beyond Welcome: Building Communities of Love. Seventeen essayists have written about their own, very personal experiences in Unitarian Universalist settings. Questions are posed to the reader to uncover our own biases as well as questions for groups to discuss, making this a great books for boards, staff teams, book groups, and small group ministry.

Watch for it! It will be available early January 2022 from Inspirit, the UUA Bookstore and via ebook in 2021. (also available for pre-order now:)

Starting the New Year

As we begin to welcome one another into the new church year, some of us in person and others online, we need to continue doing the work of opening our own hearts and our own souls. As we better understand ourselves, we can move more gracefully, purposefully, and in tune with nature. Our insights help us to see the spirit of life all around us and the divine in and around ourselves. Spiritual direction offers that spacious, sacred space.

I welcome you into a session to explore your spirit and connect with your soul.